Thursday, March 27, 2008

it's called fate

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind directed by Michel Gondry takes a science fiction view on love and memory. I really enjoyed the film although at times it was a little confusing to follow because of all the flashbacks and vanishing characters and objects within the setting.

The one thing I found ironic in the film was that the characters, who choose to erase their past lovers from their memories, end up being attracted to their "ex's" again. Obviously Joel and Clementine are perfect examples, they both choose to erase their memories of each other (good and bad) but eventually end up meeting each other again. The fact that they are not only still attracted to one another, but meet up and fall in love emphasizes that they are "meant to be together." I see this as fate, when two people find each other against all odds - and fall in love.

Another exemplary couple is Howard and Mary. The doctor and his assistant had a previous relationship and in this case, Mary was the only one who had her memory erased. Similarly to Clem and Joel's re-encounter, Howard and Mary reconnect and fall for one another again. Unlike Clem and Joel, their connection isn't truly based on fate because Howard knew about their previously relationship - but the fact that Mary was still connected to Howard even after having her memory erased must have something to do with destiny.

It makes me wonder if this would happen in real life, if two people are destined to be together - then will they end up together? or do all the complications of our world today get in the way... Atleast in the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind fate was allowed to play it's game.

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